Chuck's Blog: Rensco D.A. What were You Thinking?

Wal-Mart Announces Plan To Create 10,000 Jobs In U.S. In 2017

Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove has reversed himself and says he will now again prosecute people who shoplift less than $100 worth of stuff from the Walmarts in East Greenbush and Brunswick.  I can't imagine why the D.A. thought this was a good idea in the first place.  I know you don't want the courts flooded with people busted for stealing a pack of gum, but everyone seems to agree... especially those in law enforcement... that letting people off the hook for petty thefts sends a very bad message.  Also, how could Abelove be so naive as to think this "arrangement" with Walmart would not eventually be leaked to the media and blow-up in his face?  Kelly and I talked about that this morning. - Chuck 

Photo: Getty Images

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